
Functional Geometry and the Traite ́ de Lutherie

Functional Geometry and the Traite ́ de Lutherie by Harry Mairson, Brandeis University.

We describe a functional programming approach to the design of outlines of eighteenth-century string instruments. The approach is based on the research described in Francois Denis’s book, Traite ́ de lutherie. The programming vernacular for Denis’s instructions, which we call functional geometry, is meant to reiterate the historically justified language and techniques of this musical instrument design. The programming metaphor is entirely Euclidean, involving straightedge and compass constructions, with few (if any) numbers, and no Cartesian equations or grid. As such, it is also an interesting approach to teaching programming and mathematics without numerical calculation or equational reasoning.

The advantage of this language-based, functional approach to lutherie is founded in the abstract characterization of common patterns in instrument design. These patterns include not only the abstraction of common straightedge and compass constructions, but of higher-order conceptualization of the instrument design process. We also discuss the role of arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, and subharmonic proportions, and the use of their rational approximants.

Future of Programming workshop

The call for submissions is out. There will be two opportunities this first year to participate: at Strangeloop in September and at SPLASH in October. The call:

We are holding two events. First, in partnership with the Emerging Languages Camp, FPW×ELC will be at Strange Loop on September 17 in St. Louis MO. Second, at SPLASH in Portland OR around Oct. 19 (pending approval).

We want to build a community of researchers and practitioners exploring the frontiers of programming. We are looking for new ideas that could radically improve the practice of programming. Ideas too embryonic for an academic paper yet developed enough to demonstrate a prototype. Show us your stuff!

FPW×ELC will present live demonstrations before an audience. The SPLASH event will be an intense, private writer’s workshop1,2. This process will be a chance to give and take both creative support and incisive criticism.

Submissions will be 15 minute demo screencasts. You can select either or both of the events in your submission. The submission deadline is June 8 and notifications will be sent June 27. After the events participants will have until December 1 to revise their screencasts for archival publication on our website. The submission site is now open. For questions please see the FAQ or ask

Brought to you by Richard Gabriel, Alex Payne, and Jonathan Edwards.

This is a good idea for the more edgy language designers to exhibit their work and receive useful critique to improve presentation, which ultimately helps with our goal of world domination (or at least, pushing the community to take more risks).