
LtU's new server

Lambda the Ultimate is now running on a new, faster, more reliable server. The old one is now, uh... pining for the fjords. This should resolve the increasingly frequent outages we've seen recently. Because the old server had started failing, we didn't have time to do as much quality control on the migration as we would have liked. If anyone notices any issues with the site, please comment in this thread. Currently known issues:
  • Non-Latin UTF-8 characters apparently didn't survive the database migration correctly. This is a particular issue if you have a username containing non-Latin characters - you may not be able to log in currently.
  • It's possible that some comments posted later on Monday don't appear on the new site. (Resolved: there were no missing comments)
  • New user signup emails are not yet working.
  • Due to DNS propagation, not everyone will see the new site immediately. (Now resolved)
The struck out issues have been resolved. The remaining issue, with user signup emails, should be resolved in the next few days.