
Database programming language review

I am currently searching for anything that calls itself a "Database Programming Language", and in particular any reviews or helpful comparisons.

The purpose is something of a long term hobby project, non-commercial but also non-academic. I'm most interested in languages that have at least some prospect of finding users with real problems to solve and real data to manage, but I'm also interested in more esoteric ideas for their future prospects.

My list currently includes (no particular order) : Datalog, DBPL/Tycoon, Dataphor/D4, Tutorial D, Business System 12, Rel Project, Kleisli, Xduce, Links, Cduce. I would be interested to add to the list.

It would be helpful to know of any confirmed deaths. In particular, it's impossible to Google for Links. Does it live?

I'm working my way (slowly) through the C2 Wiki -- bit of a mixed blessing -- and I know about the DBPL conference and the DBLP bibliography site (confusing). Other resources would be appreciated too.