
SNAPL, a new PL conference on "big-picture questions and long-running research programs"

SNAPL: The Inaugural Summit oN Advances in Programming Languages

Calling all Programming Language Researchers!

The programming languages community has several excellent conferences. However, conferences are focused on incremental bits of novelty. We want to create a new kind of venue that complements these: to present and discuss big-picture questions and long-running research programs; to view progress along the long arc of a research effort. Other communities do this better (e.g. the CIDR series in databases).

To this end, we are putting together the inaugural Summit oN Advances in Programming Languages (SNAPL). We hope that the biennial SNAPL will grow into a venue where our community comes to enjoy talks with inspiring ideas, fresh insights, and lots of discussion.

For the event to succeed, we need the stars in the community to submit. Please start working on your paper.

Important Dates:
Submission: January 6, 2015
Decisions announced: February 20, 2015
Final versions due: March 20, 2015
Conference: May 3-6, 2015 (Asilomar, California, US)