
Why do we need modules at all?

Post by Joe Armstrong of Erlang fame. Leader:

Why do we need modules at all? This is a brain-dump-stream-of-consciousness-thing. I've been thinking about this for a while. I'm proposing a slightly different way of programming here. The basic idea is:

  • do away with modules
  • all functions have unique distinct names
  • all functions have (lots of) meta data
  • all functions go into a global (searchable) Key-value database
  • we need letrec
  • contribution to open source can be as simple as contributing a single function
  • there are no "open source projects" - only "the open source Key-Value database of all functions"
  • Content is peer reviewed

Why does Erlang have modules? There's a good an bad side to modules. Good: Provides a unit of compilation, a unit of code distribution. unit of code replacement. Bad: It's very difficult to decide which module to put an individual function in. Break encapsulation (see later).