
Paged topics

Is it just me, or is not the ui/ux of multi-page topics just not good? Could there be a way to fix it or to enforce things can't be bigger than one page, or can we all start teaching ourselves that we should start new pages or something?

When I go to the "recent posts" and see some posts on some topic, I click on the topic title (not the individual *'s new posts in the "recent posts" list) and then if they are on anything other than page 1 i can't find them.

Antha programming system for Bioinformatics

Antha is a high-level language for biology, making it easy to rapidly compose reproducible work flows using individually testable and reusable Antha Elements.

Recently made open source, the programming system Antha uses flow based programming. They have set up a bioinformatics related set of types in said system.

(I have nothing to do with the project, haven't even used it, but sure wish I could get paid to do so. :-)

Future of Programming Videos, final program

The final program from the SPLASH Future of Programming workshop is up. A lot of great videos with a lot of great ideas for the future of our field!

Contents with brief one liners (see the program page for more detailed abstracts):