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archivesVISSOFT 2015 - Call for Papers: New Ideas or Emerging Results and Tool Demos--------------------------------------- 3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT) Paper submission date: June 29, 2015 Software visualization is a broad research area encompassing concepts, methods, tools, and techniques that assist in a range of software engineering and software development activities. Covered aspects include the development and evaluation of approaches for visually analyzing software and software systems, including their structure, execution behavior, and evolution. The VISSOFT IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization continues the history of the ACM SOFTVIS Symposium on Software Visualization and the IEEE VISSOFT International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis. The conference focuses on visualization techniques that target aspects of software maintenance and evolution, program comprehension, reverse engineering, and reengineering, i.e., how visualization helps professionals to understand, analyze, test and evolve software. We aim to gather tool developers, experts, users, and researchers from software engineering, information visualization, computer graphics, and human-computer interaction to discuss theoretical foundations, algorithms, techniques, tools, and applications related to software visualization. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: VISSOFT features a New Ideas or Emerging Results (NIER) track and a Tool Demo track related to the list of topics suggested above. Papers are solicited that present original, unpublished research results and will be rigorously reviewed by an international program committee. The NIER contributions (New Ideas and Emerging Results) describe work-in-progress and preliminary exciting results. Authors should include open questions and even provocative hypotheses to get early feedback on their research ideas or even support through new research collaborations. Tool contributions describe the design or actual utilization of software visualization tools, with a focus on relevant tool construction aspects or the use of the tool for gaining new insights. Authors should be prepared to demonstrate their tool at the conference. The submission may also contain a link to a screencast (video). All accepted submissions will appear in the conference proceedings and the IEEE Digital Library. -== How to Submit ==- Both types of papers have to be maximum 5 pages long (including bibliography and annexes). Submissions must be submitted online via the VISSOFT 2015 EasyChair Please adhere to the formatting instruction published on the ICSME -== Organizing Committee ==- General Chair: Program Co-Chairs: NIER/Tool Co-Chairs: NIER/Tool Program Committee: Bilal Alsallakh TU Vienna, Austria By craiganslow at 2015-06-15 10:13 | LtU Forum | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 2554 reads
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