
Practical Principled FRP: Forget the past, change the future, FRPNow!

A new ICFP 15 paper by Ploeg and Claessen; abstract:

We present a new interface for practical Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) that (1) is close in spirit to the original FRP ideas,
(2) does not have the original space-leak problems, without using arrows or advanced types, and (3) provides a simple and expressive way for performing I/O actions from FRP code. We also provide a denotational semantics for this new interface, and a technique (using Kripke logical relations) for reasoning about which FRP functions may “forget their past”, i.e. which functions do not have an inherent space-leak. Finally, we show how we have implemented this interface as a Haskell library called FRPNow.

Fixed link.

Some New Directions for ACP Research

This paper at lists some new directions for research related to the Algebra of Communicating Processes (ACP). Most of these directions have been inspired by work on SubScript, an ACP based extension to the programming language Scala. SubScript applies several new ideas that build on ACP, but currently these lack formal treatment. Some of these new ideas are rather fundamental. E.g. it appears that the theory of ACP may well apply to structures of any kind of items, rather than to just processes. The aim of this list is to raise awareness of the research community about these new ideas; this could help both the research area and the programming language SubScript.