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archivesRAII and Async Stackless FibersI like RAII for exception safe programming, and as a general model for resource management. In another thread it was mentioned that this does not work well with an asynchronous stackless fibre model (where stackless might mean cactus stacks). As I like the fibre model for managing concurrency as well, because you don't need to have threads waiting on high latency services, I wanted to continue that discussion, focusing on: is RAII really a problem with these kind of fibres? What is the core problem? How could a new language combine these features in a way that avoids the problem (if the problem is a significant one)? I don't really see what the problem is, as in simple terms RAII is attaching a resource (be it memory, file-handle, or any other) to a handle that is placed on a stack. The resource is allocated when the handle is created, and freed when the handle is destroyed. The handle is uncopyable, so it can only be assigned using move-semantics. Naively this would seem to work fine with cactus stacks. Don't use "Yield" for co-routines; instead use "Postpone"A pattern followed “↑” and a type can be used to match the pattern with something which has been extended from the type. For example, PostponedFringe.[aTree:Tree]:FutureList◅String▻ ≡ aTree � aLeaf↑Leaf ⦂ [aLeaf.getString[ ]] ⍌ aFork↑Fork ⦂ [⩛Fringe.[aFork.getLeft[ ]], ⩛Postpone Fringe.[aFork.getRight[ ]]]▮ For example, ["The", "boy"]▮ is equivalent to the following: The procedure Fringe can be used to define SameFringe? that determines if two trees have the same fringe [Hewitt 1972]: SameFringe?.[aTree:Tree, anotherTree:Tree]:Boolean ≡ // test if two trees have the same fringe PostponedFringe.[aTree] = PostponedFringe.[anotherTree]▮ For example, [False, True]▮ is equivalent to the following: Let aList ← PostponedFringe.[Fork.[Leaf.["The"], Leaf.["boy"]]]。 // aList = ["The", "boy"] [SameFringe?.[aList, ["The", "girl"], // False SameFringe?.[aList, ["The", "boy"]]]▮ // True Note that Leaf can be defined as an extension of Tree: Actor Leaf.[aString:String] extension Tree using getString[ ]:String → aString▮ and Fork can be defined as an extension of Tree: Actor Fork.[aLeft:Tree, aRight:Tree] extension Tree using getLeft[ ]:Tree → aLeft, getRight[ ]:Tree → aRight▮ Edited for clarity. |
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