
Progress on Gradual Typing

Among many interesting works, the POPL 2016 papers have a bunch of nice articles on Gradual Typing.

The Gradualizer: a methodology and algorithm for generating gradual type systems

The Gradualizer: a methodology and algorithm for generating gradual type systems
by Matteo Cimini, Jeremy Siek

Many languages are beginning to integrate dynamic and static typing. Siek and Taha offered gradual typing as an approach to this integration that provides the benefits of a coherent and full-span migration between the two disciplines. However, the literature lacks a general methodology for designing gradually typed languages. Our first contribution is to provide such a methodology insofar as the static aspects of gradual typing are concerned: deriving the gradual type system and the compilation to the cast calculus.

Based on this methodology, we present the Gradualizer, an algorithm that generates a gradual type system from a normal type system (expressed as a logic program) and generates a compiler to the cast calculus. Our algorithm handles a large class of type systems and generates systems that are correct with respect to the formal criteria of gradual typing. We also report on an implementation of the Gradualizer that takes type systems expressed in lambda-prolog and outputs their gradually typed version (and compiler to the cast calculus) in lambda-prolog.

One can think of the Gradualizer as a kind of meta-programming algorithm that takes a type system in input, and returns a gradual version of this type system as output. I find it interesting that these type systems are encoded as lambda-prolog programs (a notable use-case for functional logic programming). This is a very nice way to bridge the gap between describing a transformation that is "in principle" mechanizable and a running implementation.

An interesting phenomenon happening once you want to implement these ideas in practice is that it forced the authors to define precisely many intuitions everyone has when reading the description of a type system as a system of inference rules. These intuitions are, broadly, about the relation between the static and the dynamic semantics of a system, the flow of typing information, and the flow of values; two occurrences of the same type in a typing rule may play very different roles, some of which are discussed in this article.

Is Sound Gradual Typing Dead?

Is Sound Gradual Typing Dead?
by Asumu Takikawa, Daniel Feltey, Ben Greenman, Max New, Jan Vitek, Matthias Felleisen

Programmers have come to embrace dynamically typed languages for prototyping and delivering large and complex systems. When it comes to maintaining and evolving these systems, the lack of explicit static typing becomes a bottleneck. In response, researchers have explored the idea of gradually typed programming languages which allow the post-hoc addition of type annotations to software written in one of these “untyped” languages. Some of these new hybrid languages insert run-time checks at the boundary between typed and untyped code to establish type soundness for the overall system. With sound gradual typing programmers can rely on the language implementation to provide meaningful error messages when “untyped” code misbehaves.

While most research on sound gradual typing has remained theoretical, the few emerging implementations incur performance overheads due to these checks. Indeed, none of the publications on this topic come with a comprehensive performance evaluation; a few report disastrous numbers on toy benchmarks. In response, this paper proposes a methodology for evaluating the performance of gradually typed programming languages. The key is to explore the performance impact of adding type annotations to different parts of a software system. The methodology takes takes the idea of a gradual conversion from untyped to typed seriously and calls for measuring the performance of all possible conversions of a given untyped benchmark. Finally the paper validates the proposed methodology using Typed Racket, a mature implementation of sound gradual typing, and a suite of real-world programs of various sizes and complexities. Based on the results obtained in this study, the paper concludes that, given the state of current implementation technologies, sound gradual typing is dead. Conversely, it raises the question of how implementations could reduce the overheads associated with ensuring soundness and how tools could be used to steer programmers clear from pathological cases.

In a fully dynamic system, typing checks are often superficial (only the existence of a particular field is tested) and done lazily (the check is made when the field is accessed). Gradual typing changes this, as typing assumptions can be made earlier than the value is used, and range over parts of the program that are not exercised in all execution branches. This has the potentially counter-intuitive consequence that the overhead of runtime checks may be sensibly larger than for fully-dynamic systems. This paper presents a methodology to evaluate the "annotation space" of a Typed Racket program, studying how the possible choices of which parts to annotate affect overall performance.

Many would find this article surprisingly grounded in reality for a POPL paper. It puts the spotlight on a question that is too rarely discussed, and could be presented as a strong illustration of why it matters to be serious about implementing our research.

Abstracting Gradual Typing

Abstracting Gradual Typing
by Ronald Garcia, Alison M. Clark, Éric Tanter

Language researchers and designers have extended a wide variety of type systems to support gradual typing, which enables languages to seamlessly combine dynamic and static checking. These efforts consistently demonstrate that designing a satisfactory gradual counterpart to a static type system is challenging, and this challenge only increases with the sophistication of the type system. Gradual type system designers need more formal tools to help them conceptualize, structure, and evaluate their designs.

In this paper, we propose a new formal foundation for gradual typing, drawing on principles from abstract interpretation to give gradual types a semantics in terms of pre-existing static types. Abstracting Gradual Typing (AGT for short) yields a formal account of consistency—one of the cornerstones of the gradual typing approach—that subsumes existing notions of consistency, which were developed through intuition and ad hoc reasoning.

Given a syntax-directed static typing judgment, the AGT approach induces a corresponding gradual typing judgment. Then the subject-reduction proof for the underlying static discipline induces a dynamic semantics for gradual programs defined over source-language typing derivations. The AGT approach does not recourse to an externally justified cast calculus: instead, run-time checks naturally arise by deducing evidence for consistent judgments during proof-reduction.

To illustrate our approach, we develop novel gradually-typed counterparts for two languages: one with record subtyping and one with information-flow security types. Gradual languages designed with the AGT approach satisfy, by construction, the refined criteria for gradual typing set forth by Siek and colleagues.

At first sight this description seems to overlap with the Gradualizer work cited above, but in fact the two approaches are highly complementary. The Abstract Gradual Typing effort seems mechanizable, but it is far from being implementable in practice as done in the Gradualizer work. It remains a translation to be done on paper by skilled expert, although, as standard in abstract interpretation works, many aspects are deeply computational -- computing the best abstractions. On the other hand, it is extremely powerful to guide system design, as it provides not only a static semantics for a gradual system, but also a model dynamic semantics.

The central idea of the paper is to think of a missing type annotation not as "a special Dyn type that can contain anything" but "a specific static type, but I don't know which one it is". A problem is then to be understood as a family of potential programs, one for each possible static choice that could have been put there. Not all choices are consistent (type soundness imposes constraints on different missing annotations), so we can study the space of possible interpretations -- using only the original, non-gradually-typed system to make those deductions.

An obvious consequence is that a static type error occurs exactly when we can prove that there is no possible consistent typing. A much less obvious contribution is that, when there is a consistent set of types, we can consider this set as "evidence" that the program may be correct, and transport evidence along values while running the program. This gives a runtime semantics for the gradual system that automatically does what it should -- but it, of course, would fare terribly in the performance harness described above.

Some context

The Abstract Gradual Typing work feels like a real breakthrough, and it is interesting to idly wonder about which previous works in particular enabled this advance. I would make two guesses.

First, there was a very nice conceptualization work in 2015, drawing general principles from existing gradual typing system, and highlighting in particular a specific difficulty in designing dynamic semantics for gradual systems (removing annotations must not make program fail more).

Refined Criteria for Gradual Typing
by Jeremy Siek, Michael Vitousek, Matteo Cimini, and John Tang Boyland

Siek and Taha [2006] coined the term gradual typing to describe a theory for integrating static and dynamic typing within a single language that 1) puts the programmer in control of which regions of code are statically or dynamically typed and 2) enables the gradual evolution of code between the two typing disciplines. Since 2006, the term gradual typing has become quite popular but its meaning has become diluted to encompass anything related to the integration of static and dynamic typing. This dilution is partly the fault of the original paper, which provided an incomplete formal characterization of what it means to be gradually typed. In this paper we draw a crisp line in the sand that includes a new formal property, named the gradual guarantee, that relates the behavior of programs that differ only with respect to their type annotations. We argue that the gradual guarantee provides important guidance for designers of gradually typed languages. We survey the gradual typing literature, critiquing designs in light of the gradual guarantee. We also report on a mechanized proof that the gradual guarantee holds for the Gradually Typed Lambda Calculus.

Second, the marriage of gradual typing and abstract interpretation was already consumed in previous work (2014), studying the gradual classification of effects rather than types.

A Theory of Gradual Effect Systems
by Felipe Bañados Schwerter, Ronad Garcia, Éric Tanter

Effect systems have the potential to help software developers, but their practical adoption has been very limited. We conjecture that this limited adoption is due in part to the difficulty of transitioning from a system where effects are implicit and unrestricted to a system with a static effect discipline, which must settle for conservative checking in order to be decidable. To address this hindrance, we develop a theory of gradual effect checking, which makes it possible to incrementally annotate and statically check effects, while still rejecting statically inconsistent programs. We extend the generic type-and-effect framework of Marino and Millstein with a notion of unknown effects, which turns out to be significantly more subtle than unknown types in traditional gradual typing. We appeal to abstract interpretation to develop and validate the concepts of gradual effect checking. We also demonstrate how an effect system formulated in Marino and Millstein’s framework can be automatically extended to support gradual checking.

Difficulty rewards: gradual effects are more difficult than gradual simply-typed systems, so you get strong and powerful ideas when you study them. The choice of working on effect systems is also useful in practice, as nicely said by Philip Wadler in the conclusion of his 2015 article A Complement to Blame:

I [Philip Wadler] always assumed gradual types were to help those poor schmucks using untyped languages to migrate to typed languages. I now realize that I am one of the poor schmucks. My recent research involves session types, a linear type system that declares protocols for sending messages along channels. Sending messages along channels is an example of an effect. Haskell uses monads to track effects (Wadler, 1992), and a few experimental languages such as Links (Cooper et al., 2007), Eff (Bauer and Pretnar, 2014), and Koka (Leijen, 2014) support effect typing. But, by and large, every programming language is untyped when it comes to effects. To encourage migration from legacy code to code with effect types, such as session types, some form of gradual typing may be essential.