
Andl is a New Database Language

Andl does what SQL does, but it is not SQL. Andl has been developed as a fully featured database programming language following the principles set out by Date and Darwen in The Third Manifesto. It includes a full implementation of the Relational Model published by E.F. Codd in 1970, an advanced extensible type system, database updates and other SQL-like capabilities in a novel and highly expressive syntax.

The intended role of Andl is to be the implementation language for the data model of an application. It is already possible to code the business model of an application in an SQL dialect, but few people do this because of limitations in SQL. Andl aims to provide a language free of these problems that works on all these platforms.

Andl can use Sqlite as its backend. It can import data from any SQL source. It provides Thrift, REST, Web and REPL APIs. It has a Workbench for convenient experimentation.

The web site is here. Recent posts are here.

Questions and feedback much appreciated.