There is a subset of C++ that is supposedly the bee's knees, according to Stroustrup, Sutter, and Dos Reis. Not to start an opinionated flame war, I want to know if you believe their argument holds enough water. I mean this both technically (if you stick to what they say, does it work) and in terms of practicality (are humans able to do that). To whatever extent you disagree, what are viable alternatives?
I mean this both about what they say works (their approach using 'good' C++), and what they say doesn't (cf. gc finalizers).
You can write C++ programs that are statically type safe and have no resource leaks. You can do that without loss of performance and without limiting C++’s expressive power. This model for type- and resource-safe C++ has been implemented using a combination of ISO standard C++ language facilities, static analysis, and a tiny support library (written in ISO standard C++). This supports the general thesis that garbage collection is neither necessary nor sufficient for quality software. This paper describes the techniques used to eliminate dangling pointers and to ensure resource safety. Other aspects – also necessary for safe and effective use of C++ – have conventional solutions so they are mentioned only briefly here.
The techniques and facilities presented are supported by the Core C++ Guidelines [Stroustrup,2015] and enforced by a static analysis tool for those [Sutter,2015].
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