
IEEE Scheme expiring soon

Scheme has an IEEE standard, IEEE 1178-1990, which describes a version of the language slightly later than R4RS (#f and the empty list are definitely different) but not yet R5RS (no syntax-rules, dynamic-wind, or multiple values). That standard was reaffirmed unchanged in 2008, and will come up again for renewal in 2018. What's the Right Thing?

I see three reasonable courses of action:

1) Do the work to make R7RS-small the new edition of IEEE Scheme.

2) Do the (lesser amount of) work to reaffirm IEEE Scheme unchanged for the second time.

3) Do nothing and allow the IEEE standard to expire.

Does anyone still care about having an official, citable standard for Scheme?

(When I brought the question up on #scheme, someone asked what R7RS-small implementations exist. Currently there are Chibi, Chicken (partial), Foment, Gauche, Guile (partial), Husk, Kawa, Larceny, Mosh (partial), Picrin, Sagittarius.)