
Any recent developments on "active libraries" that I'm missing?

I'm interested in libraries that guide compilers for optimizations, but it
seems like there isn't much literature on this topic.

- Papers like "Generative Programming and Active Libraries" which usually just
briefly talk about the idea and give the same examples like Blitz++.

- There's a thesis, "Active Libraries and Universal Languages", which as far as
I can see is a bit too light on the practical examples and implementation.

Two implementations that work well:

- I think Haskell libraries that use GHC's rewrite rules are "active libraries"
in this sense

- The stream fusion library described in POPL'17 paper "Stream Fusion, to
Completeness" is an example that's a recent work and one that works really
well (although it has problems like leaking `code` type to the user in
functional arguments).

These are pretty much all I can think of as examples. I'm looking for recent
developments and other practical examples (i.e. ones that work well and/or used
widely). Any pointers would be appreciated.