
Seeking contributors to psyche-c

Dear guys,

I would like to announce an open-source tool that we are developing: psyche-c. It completes missing parts of C programs, so that you can have a fully compilable program. In other words, it does type inference and stub generation for missing functions. The tool has an online interface, which you can use:

For instance, if you feed it with this program, taken from Sedgewick's book:

void TCdfsR(Graph G, Edge e) {
link t;
G->tc[e.v][e.w] = 1;
for (t = G->adj[e.w]; t != NULL; t = t->next) if (G->tc[e.v][t->v] == 0)
TCdfsR(G, EDGE(e.v, t->v));

Then psyche-c will give you back these declarations:

typedef struct link {int v;struct link* next;}* link ;
typedef struct Graph {int** tc;struct link** adj;}* Graph ;
typedef struct Edge {int v;int w;} Edge ;
struct Edge EDGE (int,int) ;

Notice that is reconstructs recursive types that are pretty complicated. We have used psyche-c to reconstruct missing code in the GNU Core Util programs and in all the Sedgewick's examples (on graphs), for instance. Psyche-c is good for code completion, as a helper to debug programs, and even to reduce compilation time. It uses a unification based type-inference engine, and has a few tricks to parse C, even when missing declarations. If you would like to contribute, the code is available at

