
CFP: PLOS '19: 10th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems

Those of you who apply advanced PL ideas to operating systems might be interested in the upcoming PLOS 2019 workshop. See the abbreviated CFP below, and please consider submitting a short paper!

Thanks! ---



Tenth Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS 2019)

October 27, 2019

Huntsville, Ontario, Canada
Sponsored by ACM SIGOPS
In conjunction with SOSP 2019

Paper submission deadline: August 9, 2019

Historically, operating system development and programming language development went hand-in-hand. Today, although the systems community at large retains an iron grip on C, many people continue to explore novel approaches to OS construction based on new programming language ideas. This workshop will bring together researchers and developers from the programming language and operating system domains to discuss recent work at the intersection of these fields. It will be a platform for discussing new visions, challenges, experiences, problems, and solutions arising from the application of advanced programming and software engineering concepts to operating systems construction, and vice versa.

Please visit the Web site for more info: