LtU FAQ Update
started 2/9/2004; 12:56:39 PM - last post 2/19/2004; 1:59:33 PM
Mark Evans - LtU FAQ Update 
2/9/2004; 12:56:39 PM (reads: 6844, responses: 26)
LtU FAQ Update |
Ehud suggested a post about a FAQ update for LtU. This is the chance for newcomers and oldtimers to have a meeting of the minds. What questions exist out there? If you have never posted before, now would be a good time. Oldtimers, what would you like newcomers to know about LtU?
Posted to admin by Mark Evans on 2/9/04; 1:42:44 PM

andrew cooke - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/9/2004; 1:18:55 PM (reads: 461, responses: 0)
what would you like newcomers to know about LtU?
that it's ok to post stuff that turns out to be completely stupid as long as you learn from it (this one's in my defense ;o)
that the number of people who post is small, so you may not get any replies, independent of whether what you said was interesting or not.
that more contributions would be welcome.
(i'm on summer vacn and feeling mellow, but i think most people here would agree to those)

Ehud Lamm - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/9/2004; 1:41:52 PM (reads: 454, responses: 0)
People often ask me about the basic mechanism, so here goes:
1. Only editors can post to the home page. Anyone who signs up can post to the discussion group.
2. Discussion group items don't belong to a category/department (like LC, OOP etc.). Only home page posts do.

Ehud Lamm - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/9/2004; 1:50:58 PM (reads: 447, responses: 0)
Another frequent question is about viewing the discussion group.
There are two basic views availabe: by topic (or thread), and a chronological list of individual messages. The latter is better if you check the site often, and only want to read new messages posted since you last checked the site.
Using the discussion group RSS feed in a news aggregator is another option.

scruzia - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/9/2004; 1:51:46 PM (reads: 451, responses: 6)
Here's one that a lot of the long-time folks should also pay heed to:
If you're responding to a specific post that is not the top message in a thread, do not do it in the "mode=topic" page. (That's the version with a URL that ends like "message11054.html#11086", and whose display generally has a bunch of messages, with headers that have blue backgrounds.) Instead, click on the message's Frontier cow-skull icon, which puts you into a misleadingly-named "mode=day"; that will allow Frontier (and the rest of us) to understand what message you are responding to.

Ehud Lamm - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/9/2004; 1:56:11 PM (reads: 447, responses: 5)
Right. Even I quite often forget to do this...

andrew cooke - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/9/2004; 1:57:49 PM (reads: 451, responses: 4)
i can't understand why people don't do this by default (why aren't you all like me?!). is it that the rss feed points you to the topic rather than the post?

Ehud Lamm - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/9/2004; 2:03:00 PM (reads: 454, responses: 0)
is it that the rss feed points you to the topic rather than the post?
It seems so, but I don't think this is the reason. I think many people simply read the discussion group using the default view, or view entire threas by clicking on the links from home page entries.
Perhaps adding a 'daily view' link to the navigation menu on the left would be a good idea.

scruzia - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/9/2004; 2:38:27 PM (reads: 444, responses: 2)
I think there are two bits of user interface that contribute to this. The worst one is this: if you are reading the topic view, you see the last message in the thread directly above and next to the "Response text" box, so you naturally assume that the response will be listed as a response to that latest message. But I don't think it works that way -- I think it gets listed as a response to the topic's *first* message instead.
The other one is a workflow issue, exacerbated by the often poor performance of the site, and worst for those with only dial-up access. Here's my "work"flow: I go to the site via a bookmark to here:
and I see ten or twenty new messages in five or six new topics or in discussion topics continued from previous days. I then click-click-click (actually, control-click) in order to open each of the five new discussion topics in the background, in its own new tab (i.e., I do not yet touch later messages with the same subject line). Then go through each tab and click on the "Msg#" link, which opens each discussion, pointing at the first message that I hadn't yet seen. Now, I can read each discussion in context, without further interactions with my slow (phone) link or the slow (server) site. And during much of the waiting that this process can entail, I can read some of the stuff that already arrived.
Anyway, with this scenario, replying to a specific messages always involves that extra cow-head click, which we often simply forget to do.

Steve Merrick - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/10/2004; 12:38:18 AM (reads: 384, responses: 1)
I've been lurking for several years, because I enjoy what I read here. Is that enough? If not, then tell me what you're about, and what you expect of me?

Ehud Lamm - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/10/2004; 12:51:26 AM (reads: 379, responses: 0)
Lurking is quite alright ";-)"
Start posting if and when you feel you want to.

Andris Birkmanis - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/10/2004; 9:58:21 AM (reads: 302, responses: 2)
Some formatting convention (for snippets, quotes, etc.) would be useful.
Probably general tips&tricks for making the message look nice, as well (sometimes I spend more time playing with various escaping than actually writing; not that I do it frequently enough to deserve the right to complain ;-) ).

Frank Atanassow - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/10/2004; 10:09:12 AM (reads: 298, responses: 0)
andrew: is it that the rss feed points you to the topic rather than the post?
No, it's because it often takes so long to open another page. I usually try to be explicit who I'm replying to by quoting and naming them, as above.

Ehud Lamm - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/10/2004; 11:27:19 AM (reads: 291, responses: 0)
This is a good idea.
We usually use italics for quotes.
Using html pre tags allows you to insert code, the easy way...

Kory Markevich - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/10/2004; 2:34:03 PM (reads: 281, responses: 0)
Yes, I'd find something like this helpful as well. Things like how to get a link into the thread title, etc.. The lack of a preview before post (despite being editable) makes me a bit hesitant when it comes to trying anything fancy. But then I'm probably an odd-man-out since I still have to look at HTML references everytime I need to post something. :)

Mark Evans - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/16/2004; 1:54:05 PM (reads: 168, responses: 1)
OK gang, is that all? I expected more...what about subjective matters: "Does LtU have a bias?"

Ehud Lamm - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/16/2004; 2:27:29 PM (reads: 169, responses: 0)
The existing FAQ (such as it is) may be relevant. I tried to articulate my point of view in several posting in the admin department, most recently here.

Mark Evans - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/17/2004; 3:19:14 PM (reads: 155, responses: 5)
Appreciated Ehud.
Perhaps the question "Is this a Lisp board?" is apropos. That is a very frequently asked question.
It is fair to say that LtU has a mild functional programming bias, which is OK.
If regulars would like to post self-portraits, those could go into the FAQ. That would be a blurb communicating your experience with various languages, industry/academic background, likes and dislikes, relevant LtU posts, homepage. Some folks have a home page already so a mere link would suffice. Still it might be curious to know who are the most frequent and/or long-standing LtU regulars. I am not sure how to compile that data.

andrew cooke - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/17/2004; 4:18:55 PM (reads: 147, responses: 1)
you can get some idea of who was around when from membership numbers (click on someone's name then play with the url - i have 2 because i couldn't work out how to change my details, iirc). these obviously provide a clear ranking of superiority ;o)
you can also play around with the url to read early messages.
strange. patrick doyle's the third person to post, as far as i can tell, but he has a user no of 221. oleg's in there at 3 and chris at 4 (i think chris posts before oleg though).
for most frequent posters maybe you can use google. isaac and frank seem to be the most frequent after ehud, then chris and me, but that's just going through the first 10 or so members - later members may have posted more (apologies for not going through all the people who post at the moment).
i'm trying to work out how i found this place. it doesn't seem to have been via a comp.lang.functional/misc announcement. how was it first announced?
[i'm proud to see the first post of mine mentioned oz/mozart!]

Ehud Lamm - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/17/2004; 11:12:03 PM (reads: 142, responses: 0)
Another thing that should be in the FAQ is links to Chris's LtU indexes.

Ehud Lamm - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/18/2004; 10:40:17 AM (reads: 126, responses: 2)
Still it might be curious to know who are the most frequent and/or long-standing LtU regulars.
I am not sure this is reallyt appropriate for FAQ. What do others think?

andrew cooke - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/18/2004; 11:49:53 AM (reads: 121, responses: 1)
the only way i can see that it matters is that it might make the place look more cliquey than it already is.
on the other hand, if it were my site - which it's not, so i debated posting this - and if i was looking for help, i'd by pretty generous in accepting things with as few questions as possible from anyone good enough to volunteer.

Ehud Lamm - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/18/2004; 12:15:31 PM (reads: 122, responses: 0)
the only way i can see that it matters is that it might make the place look more cliquey than it already is.
That was my point.

Chris Rathman - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/18/2004; 5:49:51 PM (reads: 118, responses: 1)
andrew: i'm trying to work out how i found this place. it doesn't seem to have been via a comp.lang.functional/misc announcement. how was it first announced? I found LtU via a posting on ELJ (Eiffel Liberty Journal). Sure wish ELJ was still around, as it was one of my other favorite programming language sites.

andrew cooke - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/19/2004; 2:35:31 AM (reads: 127, responses: 0)
ah, yes! that was it.

Mark Evans - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/19/2004; 1:26:05 PM (reads: 95, responses: 1)
Ehud could you provide an authoritative answer to the provenance of the name "Lambda the Ultimate" (...imperative I suppose...paper citation URL please?).

Ehud Lamm - Re: LtU FAQ Update 
2/19/2004; 1:59:33 PM (reads: 101, responses: 0)
There's a whole series of MIT AI Lab memos from which this phrase originated (links and citations here). It seemed natural to name this weblog Lambda: The Ulitmate Weblog. The rest, as they say, is history.
