Two impromptus--or how Python helped us design our kitchen
started 3/24/2004; 4:02:55 AM - last post 3/24/2004; 2:36:19 PM
Ehud Lamm - Two impromptus--or how Python helped us design our kitchen
3/24/2004; 4:02:55 AM (reads: 4865, responses: 2)
Two impromptus--or how Python helped us design our kitchen |
Andrew Koenig's PyCon contribution is rather amusing. This isn't really a programming languages paper per se, but it provides a nice example of choosing the right tools for a job (where "right" obviously depends on many factors, including the list of conferences one wants to attend).
Andrew demonstrates the mix and match approach to getting things done, something we hackers know all about. Like I said, an amusing little article...
Posted to Python by Ehud Lamm on 3/24/04; 4:05:39 AM
Ehud Lamm - Re: Two impromptus--or how Python helped us design our kitchen
3/24/2004; 2:10:21 PM (reads: 182, responses: 1)
Amusingly enough, only yesterday I discussed with my students the advanatges a DSL based appraoch can have over a GUI based system. One thing I mentioned was easy code generation, that is producing the DSL programs automatically. Andrew's use of PIC is, of course, a nice example of this technique.
Ehud Lamm - Re: Two impromptus--or how Python helped us design our kitchen
3/24/2004; 2:36:19 PM (reads: 181, responses: 0)
A classic example of this approach.