Fractal Music (and a Personal Introduction)
started 4/16/2004; 2:39:14 AM - last post 4/18/2004; 4:32:24 AM
Danny Ayers - Fractal Music (and a Personal Introduction) ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
4/16/2004; 2:39:14 AM (reads: 9752, responses: 4)
Fractal Music (and a Personal Introduction) |
As a follow up to Chris's recent post The Sound of Mathematics , here is a little Java code which will generate midi music in real time, based on the so-called logistic equation, the algorithm being x[i+1] = k*x[i]*(1-x[i]).
Now I should introduce myself and thank Ehud for letting me join the editors of LtU, it's a real privilege to be a small part of the programming languages weblog.
Hi folks! My name is Danny, and I'm a Semantic Web developer - my posts here will generally be on that subject. Rather predictably I have a blog of my own, but for SemWeb-related material on a blog I'd recommend Planet RDF, which aggregates material from various other weblogs on the topic.
Thanks Ehud!
Posted to fun by Danny Ayers on 4/16/04; 2:40:24 AM
Chris Rathman - Re: Fractal Music (and a Personal Introduction) ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
4/16/2004; 7:05:57 AM (reads: 234, responses: 0)
Welcome aboard. I've gleaned stuff here and there about Semantic Web development, but I'm mostly in the dark about it's nature and direction.
Mark Evans - Re: Fractal Music (and a Personal Introduction) ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
4/17/2004; 12:53:21 PM (reads: 143, responses: 0)
andrew cooke - Re: Fractal Music (and a Personal Introduction) ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
4/17/2004; 3:39:05 PM (reads: 133, responses: 0)
if anyone's interested, on the subject of generating music, there's code to generate rhythms using genetic evolution of simple logic circuits at here (lisp) with details of an ml rewrite here. fitness is measured using a kind-of entropy. i went on to write code for physical synthesis of drums, but the results didn't sounds very good and then i got a job.
Ehud Lamm - Re: Fractal Music (and a Personal Introduction) ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
4/18/2004; 4:32:24 AM (reads: 110, responses: 0)