Links work fine for me. Wonder if it also qualifies as the first DSL for Big Numbers on Unix?
On a related note, there was a posting a slashdot about the new TI-84 Plus. For myself, programmable calculators are as quaint as slide rules. Used to use them heavily back in the late '80s, but access to personal computers with dynamic PL's has made them antiquated.
I did go shopping for calculators a couple of weeks back (two of my kids needed them for their classes). I was wanting to purchase one for myself, but my need was for a hex calculator with minimum functions. Unfortunately, the calculators that have hex and binary capabilities are weighed down with way too many functions (stats, etc.) that I have no use for in a handheld. They also treat the numbers A-F as second class, making entering hex numbers a pain. OTOH, the simpler calculators don't support hex, so they are of no use to me.