Slow News Day: How About Some Benchmarks?
started 6/11/2004; 12:39:16 PM - last post 6/14/2004; 5:20:24 AM
Brent Fulgham - Slow News Day: How About Some Benchmarks? 
6/11/2004; 12:39:16 PM (reads: 4239, responses: 2)
Slow News Day: How About Some Benchmarks? |
No one seems to be posting much today. Therefore, to help generate sufficient bilious humours for an invigorating discussion, I suggest all interested parties visit the revamped "The Great Computer Language Shootout" to see the current scores.
Now at last we can have meaningful, objective measurements to decide what the best programming language is! :-)
Posted to fun by Brent Fulgham on 6/11/04; 12:39:56 PM

Duncan - Re: Slow News Day: How About Some Benchmarks? 
6/11/2004; 6:59:02 PM (reads: 254, responses: 0)
David N. Welton - Re: Slow News Day: How About Some Benchmarks? 
6/14/2004; 5:20:24 AM (reads: 105, responses: 0)
My friend Salvatore and I started a benchmark system at It's open source, and we want to keep it up to date, but we need good tests and more languages.
