For some reason, the philosophy of Perl reminds me of C++ 10x over. IIRC, Stroustrap said something in the 'Design and Evolution of C++' to the effect that all languages have complexity, it's just a matter of whether that complexity is pushed into the syntax or whether it's in the libraries.
Perl & C++ have a very definitive slant to pushing complexity into the syntax. For some strange reason, most programmers seem to prefer having complex syntax - witness the popularity of Java, C++, Perl, VB, etc...
My take on the issue is that many would rather have programming language syntax do their thinking for them, rather than to have to look up libraries - especially when more than one variety of a library solution exists. Register me as a pessimist, but I think that programmers seem to like languages that push the complexity into syntax. Simplicity of syntax seems to be an underrated commodity.
