This is a retrospective by Barbara Liskov, the primary designer of the CLU programming language. CLU was primarily developed as a tool to build Abstract Data Types using modules (aka clusters) and was highly influential in the development of programming languages. Recommended reading for anyone interested in language design issues.
CLU has been influential on programming languages both directly and indirectly. Many of the features of CLU were novel; in addition to the support for data abstraction through clusters, there are iterators, the exception mechanism, and the mechanism for polymetric polymorphism. These ideas have had an important impact on programming language design and CLU’s novel features have made their way into many modern languages. Among the languages influenced by CLU are Ada, C++, ML, Modula 3, and Trellis/Owl.
Posted to history by Chris Rathman on 7/4/01; 11:42:17 AM