>>There are several code repositories ,
>>but no *map through these
>>repositories*. That's why I'm currently ta the
>>"Perl Cookbook Index" and mapping the various
>>practical tasks to "standard scheme" and
>>"non-standard Scheme" such as
>>SRFI's (1 - lists, 13 - strings , 19 - dates and times)
>>and SLIB with code snippets to sho very basic functionality.
>what about pleac?
PLEAC is great!
I'm adding deep links into it from the
"annotated code bibliography of Scheme"
that I'm working on. The goal of a
bibliography is to provide a map
and only a very basic description of functionality.
I'm trying to document code that you can use from over a broad
range of implementations and platforms.
So I'm relying on many sources:
R5RS, SRFI's + PLEAC Cookbook Examples,
SLIB (+Pregexp+Schelog), Scsh (awk + pipes), EOPL,
Dybvig's "The Scheme Programming Language",
The Scheme FAQ,
SICP, Oleg's XML processors, LAML/HTML, BRL (Beautiful Report Language),
"Unix Power Tools" (also rewritten in Perl)
for useful scripting tools to implement,
and of course comp.lang.scheme.
I'm basically using the Perl TOC, but I've modified it to highlight
Scheme's differences from Perl...and also because I want to avoid
any issues of intellectual property theft...if I base an index on the *ideas*
implicit in O'Reilly's index no one can accuse me of plagiarism or theft...
I'm not clear on IP as it pertains to code re-use.
On the one hand there is are Henry Spencer's classic essays
on code stealing:
And on the other there is this recent Slashdot discussion:
It seems that licenses are often written such a way that you can't just select some function , modify it a little , attribute the authorship
of the source properly, and then re-use it as you see fit. Often licenses seem to make code less open and hinder re-use.
It seems that there is a fundamental irreconcilable tension
between the virtues of code re-use, ownership and theft
of the intellectual property inherent in code, attribution of
authorship, evolution of standard libraries and standard ways of doing
things, intellectual/academic integrity and plagiarism, and refactoring/transforming code into something completely different and assimilating it into your own code base/intellectual property.
Any guidance as to when refactoring can be done and when or when not (some people might want to be associated with the potential mess you create from their code) to attribute authorship of source would be much appreciated.