How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once
started 10/5/2001; 8:06:17 AM - last post 10/11/2001; 2:23:14 PM
Ehud Lamm - How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/5/2001; 8:06:17 AM (reads: 2042, responses: 9)
How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once |
In short, never build what you can (legally) steal! Done right, it yields better programs for less work.
Got this from another LtU discussion!
Programmers should not steal code, they should reuse components. This solves most legal issues, and is better from a SE perspective anyway.
However, since we are a programming language site, and not comp.programming, let's focus the discussion on how programming language features effect reuse. This subject is close to my heart, and research interests.
We should perhaps start with the premise the language effects reuse.
Just today I mentioned to my programing language students that many a time you can capture an idiom or pattern using high order functions. Same is true for generic units in Ada, or C++ templates. Without comparing these features, we can - I think - agree that all of them enhance the reuse opportunities, and quality of reuse, in their various languages. Only from this premise - that language effects reuse - can we go on to ask what features are important, which new features are needed etc.
To continue discussions from last week: One must notice that Scheme is very advanced in its control features, and data manipulation tools (supported by GC), but the Scheme standard is fairly silent about SE related features like modules, functors etc. One mustn't conclude that such features are inessential.
Posted to Software-Eng by Ehud Lamm on 10/5/01; 8:11:43 AM
jon fernquest - Re: How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/6/2001; 5:13:43 AM (reads: 1446, responses: 0)
"Theft by editor" includes a good principle for writing cookbook recipes:
"It is much easier to alter or delete lines of code than to add them."
Therefore, use large examples with possibly superfluous features
that can be cut out.
> can capture an idiom or pattern using high order functions.
Languages like Haskell and SML seem to
converge on the best way to do things
because programs are treated as proofs.
So theft...or re-use by editor or template
doesn't diverge in a large scattered mess of ad-hoc hacks.
(example: Prior Ltu topic:
Generic Programming in Haskell)
Components seem to be a nice ideal,
but which component system
(CORBA , COM , Java Beans ?)
and what about all the the code overhead?
What-you-want-to-do always seems
to be buried in mounds of COM , CORBA ,
interface code (I admit I don't know a lot
about this...and it seems that it will change with
.NET which seems to hide all the COM interface code).
In highly ordered computing environments
with a budget large enough to be always trying out
the newest things, components must be great.
I've worked as a "consultant" in the proprietary
software world for years (accounting systems for large
corporations....I admit this isn't the most sophisticated
programming environment) and it is standard practice to
look around , find the closest thing to what you
have to do , and then make the minimal amount
of changes to make it do what it has to do.
The client is paying the rather expensive license
and maintenance fees for the software so they
are paying for the right to use this approach
and they also want to minimize billed consultant
hours, so it is natural to use the approach
in this context, the context of consulting with proprietary software
on low budget projects.
However, I have also been a graduate student and teaching
assistant in computer science and in this environment
it was imperative that the student did their own work.
Otherwise.....(knowledge-acquisition = 0) ==> F !
Since open source software isn't relying on license
or maintenance fees , free and open borrowing and sharing
between different packages would seem to be only
limited by.........what?
Ehud Lamm - Re: How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/6/2001; 11:41:16 AM (reads: 1418, responses: 0)
Your experience with what I like to call cut&paste oriented programming, are consistent with my imporession of how things are done in the "real world." This just makes the problem more acute.
Components seem to be a nice ideal, but which component system (CORBA , COM , Java Beans ?)
I wasn't talking about components in this sense, only of the much more general ideal notion of software lego. Indeed, my point was the I think current technologies are problematic. I'd love to hear interesting proposals...
in this environment [CS education] it was imperative that the student did their own work. Otherwise.....(knowledge-acquisition = 0) ==> F !
I don't agree. It is a bit difficult to seperate what can be reused from what students have to code for themselves, but it is certainly doable. I encourage my SE students to reuse code, and even suggest libraries I find useful, or appropriate - but I explain how this differs from cheating. Naturally, you can't reuse a sort routine when asked to code one according to an algorithm from class, but from that point on, I'd take point off for coding such a routine from scratch every time it is needed.
In my experience, the best reusers are usually the best students overall.
david rush - Re: How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/8/2001; 3:26:09 AM (reads: 1403, responses: 0)
> One must notice that Scheme is very advanced in its control
> features, and data manipulation tools (supported by GC), but the
> Scheme standard is fairly silent about SE related features like
> modules, functors etc. One mustn't conclude that such features are
> inessential.
Actually, you could very nearly make that conclusion. The basic power
of the components of Scheme (lexical scoping, first-class higher-order
functions, latent-typing, hygienic macros) make such constructs
*nearly* irrelevant.
I say nearly because virtually every
Scheme has *some* kind of module
system implementation. But functors *are* unecessary because every
Scheme function is potentially a functor as a direct consequence of
Scheme's HO functions and the type-system. The same is true of modules
although there is room to add value in the management of the global
Ehud Lamm - Re: How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/8/2001; 1:51:10 PM (reads: 1384, responses: 1)
I explicitly mentioned high order functions, which are indeed very useful. Still, they themselves can't replace parametrized modules - since they are not modules!
The crucial part, I agree, related to namespace management. I'd prefer to cover this under the headings of data abstraction, and information hiding mechanisms.
BTW, notice the generic units in Ada can be parametrized by various types of datas (values, routines, types and other modules). All these kinds of data are used for various purposes, making generic units different than HOF. Notice I am saying "different" and not "better". I suggest that if you are not familiar with these programming techniques, that you explore them. They are interesting in their own right. (We mentioned generic programming here several times, but finding interesting examples may be a bit hard).
Some interesting examples concern the use of one moudle as a parameter for another module. A classic example is suuplying a queue or stack to a tree search routine, to achieve either BFS or DFS.
Ehud Lamm - Re: How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/8/2001; 3:26:46 PM (reads: 1467, responses: 0)
After posting the above I came across this thread on which talks about much the same issues. It is worth checking out.
Frank Atanassow - Re: How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/11/2001; 5:27:10 AM (reads: 1372, responses: 1)
The crucial part, I agree, related to namespace management. I'd prefer to cover this under the headings of data abstraction, and information hiding mechanisms.
Many people seem to disagree with me but I think the crucial aspect of modules is not namespace management but datatype abstraction. I think namespace management is purely a syntax issue. Using name-hiding, etc. to enforce modularity is a poor substitute for type-theoretic solutions and reveals a defect in the language.
(Certainly namespace management and datatype abstraction work well together and, in practice, you probably need the former to use the latter effectively. But they are separate concerns, and intertwining them makes the language more difficult to reason about.)
Of course, for Scheme this is not an issue, because Schemers take it as axiomatic that typing should be dynamic, but if you buy my line of reasoning above then, since in practice Scheme modules are implemented as language extensions, you might conclude that either a) the Scheme macro system needs to be extended because it can't adequately treat namespaces, or b) dynamic typing should not be taken as an axiom. :)
jon fernquest - Re: How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/11/2001; 5:50:32 AM (reads: 1355, responses: 1)
I explicitly mentioned high order functions, which are indeed very useful. Still, they themselves can't replace parametrized modules - since they are not modules!
......I'd prefer to cover this under the headings of data abstraction, and information hiding mechanisms.
For component-based re-use what about David Espinosa's "Semantic Lego" (Scheme)? His work describes "programming languages as abstract data types. This point of view is graceful and hasn't had impact it deserves (although it's twenty years old). It shows that there needn't be a difference between 'metalinguistic abstraction' (in Abelson and Sussman's sense) and ordinary abstraction and that new syntax isn't necessary to build new languages."
Modular interpreters defined with the help of monads and denotational semantics.
Papers and thesis (lots of Scheme code):
Modular Interpreters Bibliography:
Author's Homepage:
Ehud Lamm - Re: How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/11/2001; 2:23:14 PM (reads: 1418, responses: 0)
I am not familiar with this work, so I'll defer judgment for now.
The idea of programming languages as abstract data types is quite similar to my own ideas, so I'll have to explore the links you gave.
Ehud Lamm - Re: How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/11/2001; 2:25:43 PM (reads: 1472, responses: 0)
I think the crucial aspect of modules is not namespace management but datatype abstraction
I agree. That's why I chose the terms I did, instead of namespace management.