With the major defence crises of the 1980's - Oliver North, Irangate, etc., it is becoming increasingly obvious that Ada simply lacks the necessary facilities for generating truly paranoid programs. What is needed is a language which is not merely user-indifferent, but totally user-scared: in short, a Paranoid Programming Language.
Who could meet the challenge? IBM? No, too neurotic already. DEC? No, VMS was far too paranoid. It fell eventually to your humble editor and his motley crew of hackers to design, implement, debug, y'know, the LOT, the ULTIMATE programming language one cold evening on the way to Alcuin College Bar.
So, what features does PPL offer the user?
With tongue firmly in cheek, from a discussion of contracts on the LL1 list...
Posted to fun by Bryn Keller on 1/11/02; 3:26:55 PM