started 3/30/2002; 1:18:51 AM - last post 4/2/2002; 1:45:07 AM
Ehud Lamm - 20 Years of PLDI - CALL FOR NOMINATIONS 
3/30/2002; 1:18:51 AM (reads: 2138, responses: 3)
PLDI and its predecessor (Symposium on Compiler Construction) are a forum where researchers have presented original work on practical issues in the design, development, implementation, and use of programming languages. SIGPLAN is embarking on a project to compile the most influential papers published in PLDI from 1979 through 1999 into a special SIGPLAN proceedings which will include 35 to 45 papers, and invited retrospectives from the authors.
Great idea!
Notice that the nomination deadline is Friday, April 5, 2002, 5:00 pm EST. Get busy.
And oh, when you nominate a paper - please mention it here too.
Posted to history by Ehud Lamm on 3/30/02; 1:19:39 AM

Patrick Logan - Re: 20 Years of PLDI - CALL FOR NOMINATIONS 
3/30/2002; 8:06:08 AM (reads: 1053, responses: 1)
I nominated...
D. Kranz, R. Kelsey, J. Rees, P. Hudak, J. Philbin, and N. Adams. ORBIT: An optimizing compiler for Scheme. SIGPLAN Notices, 21(7):219--233, July 1986. Proc. Sigplan '86 Symp. on Compiler Construction.

Ehud Lamm - Re: 20 Years of PLDI - CALL FOR NOMINATIONS 
3/30/2002; 8:09:54 AM (reads: 1116, responses: 0)
Ehud Lamm - Re: 20 Years of PLDI - CALL FOR NOMINATIONS 
4/2/2002; 1:45:07 AM (reads: 1021, responses: 0)
Some more papers that I like:
- 1992 A retargetable debugger. Norman Ramsey, David R. Hanson
- 1993 The essence of compiling with continuations. Cormac Flanagan, Amr Sabry, Bruce F. Duba, Matthias Felleisen
- 1997 Simple translation of goal-directed evaluation. Todd A. Proebsting
- 1998 Proper tail recursion and space efficiency. William D. Clinger
- 1999 A semantics for imprecise exceptions. Simon Peyton Jones, Alastair Reid, Fergus Henderson, Tony Hoare, Simon Marlow
- 2000 Design and implementation of generics for the .NET Common language runtime. Andrew Kennedy, Don Syme
