There was a topic on compilation of Eiffel to the CLR a time ago: Compiling Eiffel for the CLR. I posted a comment over there regarding the implementation of multiple inheritance:
I've not tried it out, but as far as I can see the multiple-inheritance work-around with interfaces doesn't work if one (or more) superclass has not been not written in Eiffel (C# for example) or the class is compiled in IL .
The Eiffel .NET compiler cannot make an interface and make this superclass implement this interface. Thus it is impossible to use the work-around in this case. I haven't tried it out although, so I might miss something essential.
If this is correct, the integration of Eiffel is not as good as Bertrand tries to show in this article. This is not a big deal te me, but I'm disappointed (again: the first article did also contain some incorrect statements) that a man like Bertrand Meyer doesn't present the full picture.
Back to now: I've read the multiple inheritance section in this article, but again there is no mention of this problem. Am I completely wrong (please correct me in this case!) or is Bertrand Meyer again not presenting the complete picture?