Intentional Programming Overview
started 7/29/2002; 12:58:10 AM - last post 8/1/2002; 2:59:41 AM
jon fernquest - Intentional Programming Overview 
7/29/2002; 12:58:10 AM (reads: 4167, responses: 8)
Intentional Programming Overview |
Full title is too long:
"Transformation and Visualization of Abstractions using the Intentional Programming System."
This is the most sober and simple description of Intentional Programming that
I could find. Written by a German scholar visiting Microsoft,
it provides a brief overview of Abstract Syntax trees in IP,
alternative ways of visualizing a program,
and a classification of program transformations.
Like so much other work associated with the IP project
I get Scheme-hygienic-macro-R5RS-implementation-deja-vu when I read passages like:
The 'if' abstraction known from every general-purpose programming language is
introduced as a new intention. Every node in any source graph referring
to this unique node is an instance of this intention. The three well-known
sub-branches parameterize the instance. Since a declaration is indeed a
reference to a special DCL intention there are only two composition rules,
namely referencing and parameterization.
Posted to DSL by jon fernquest on 7/29/02; 1:11:44 AM

jon fernquest - Re: Intentional Programming Overview 
7/29/2002; 1:43:03 AM (reads: 3019, responses: 1)
I've classified IP as DSL because it seems to be an
Application Generator , i.e. a compiler for DSL's.
One of the bibliography entries in the paper is particularly interesting:
"Simonyi, Charles: Method and System for Generating
and Displaying a Computer Program.
U.S. Patent No. 5790863, 1998."
What aspect of Abstract Syntax Trees or their
representation could now result in a lawsuit?
I'm with Knuth
Knuth from "All Questions Answered":
"I’m against patents on things
that any student should be expected to
discover. There have been an awful lot
of software patents in the U.S. for ideas
that are completely trivial, and that
bothers me a lot. There is an organization
that has worked for many years to
make patents on all the remaining trivial
ideas and then make these available
to everyone. The way patenting had
been going was threatening to make
the software industry stand still.
Oleg's recent post
certainly shows that certain strains of Scheme like Bigloo are
going visual in a big way
comparing four different GUI libraries:
Biglook, Tcl/Tk, Swing and GTK!
It's tempting to follow Simonyi's lead and make R5RS hygienic
macros more palatable by rendering them,
their arguments, and application results
graphically as trees. The macro pattern language with all its "..." 's
is a little hard to read sometimes.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Intentional Programming Overview 
7/29/2002; 1:48:37 AM (reads: 3086, responses: 0)
I was going to ask why you chose the DSL department 
make R5RS hygienic macros more palatable by rendering them, their arguments, and application results graphically as trees.
It seems certain that someone already wrote a thesis on this... But if not, reusing some of the ideas behind XSLT GUIs can be a good direction to explore.

scruzia - Re: Intentional Programming Overview 
7/31/2002; 12:33:14 AM (reads: 2972, responses: 0)
Can anyone describe for me the difference between "Aspect Oriented Programming" and "Intentional Programming"? The only real difference that I can see is that the former has produced some somewhat useful software...
I guess I'll have to read that paper, though I don't see how a paper with a title that long could possibly be "sober and simple".

jon fernquest - Re: Intentional Programming Overview 
7/31/2002; 3:04:47 AM (reads: 2935, responses: 1)
> make R5RS hygienic macros more palatable by rendering them,
> their arguments, and application results graphically as trees.
Haven't been able to find anything along these lines yet.
It seems like everything you need to display Scheme AST's
visually is there under the
Case Study 3 Visualization,
displaying Abstract Syntax Trees with Graphviz-Dot
shows you how to do it.
(from the
Stratego Documentation page)
There is no Scheme grammar in the SDF grammarbase,
but a Scheme grammar shouldn't be too difficult to add.
I'm currently trying to get up and running with
but there doesn't seem to be any real introduction
like a graded series of examples of increasing complexity.
TigerCompiler looks like the best place to begin.
> reusing some of the ideas behind XSLT GUIs can be a good direction to explore.
Could you suggest the name of one.
I'm not sure what you mean.

jon fernquest - Re: Intentional Programming Overview 
7/31/2002; 3:21:13 AM (reads: 2916, responses: 0)
Ehud Lamm - Re: Intentional Programming Overview 
7/31/2002; 3:24:24 AM (reads: 2980, responses: 0)
I didn't have anything specific in mind. Maybe something like this. I seem to recall something on alphaWorks too.

jon fernquest - Re: Intentional Programming Overview 
8/1/2002; 2:21:17 AM (reads: 2875, responses: 1)
> make R5RS hygienic macros more palatable by rendering them,
> their arguments, and application results graphically as trees.
>>.... reusing some of the ideas behind XSLT GUIs can be a good direction to explore.
I think I see what you mean,
just as the XSLT GUI allows to immediately see the results of
the transformation, a Scheme macro GUI could do the same.
This would also be cool for partial *application of functions*.
Having got used to partial application of functions in Haskell
I tried it out in Scheme but
it's hard to see what you're
doing when the partial applications and compositions start getting complex
because there is no type checking to
verify before run time that all the types are synchronized.
It's like driving in a heavy fog.
Dynamically typed Perl6 with it's
function currying
is probably going to have the same problem.
I've heard that the reverse mapping from the efficient internal closure
representation to textual code is available in one of the Schemes,
I believe Gambit? I've also seen something similar in
which uses textual Scheme S-Expressions to represent a persistent closures for
mobile-distributed programming. (current location not known)
I wonder whether the efficient closures
of the ILX extension for .NET's VM
can be easily decompiled into textual source.
(Note also that Sheard's
Accomplishments and Research Challenges in Meta-Programming (section 5)
critiques the use of strings (Perl) and s-expressions (Lisp, Scheme)
for program representation in meta-programs.)

Ehud Lamm - Re: Intentional Programming Overview 
8/1/2002; 2:59:41 AM (reads: 2925, responses: 0)
Working on ASTs is obviously easier than parsing (an re-parsing) strings.
One representation technique not presented in Sheard's section 5 is using inheritance and the Iterator pattern.
