F-Script is fun to play with, indeed. One thing that kind of turned me off of it is that you cannot create full apps with it, forgoing Objective-C for everything but perhaps something performance intensive. You cannot create classes in F-Script, just instantiate ObjC classes.
But than again, that isn't a failing so much as a "feature-" F-Script is for scripting Cocoa, not for creating Cocoa apps. For me, I'd like it more if I could write entire apps in it. :)
It has some nifty features with collections, that I'm told are derived from APL. One afternoon, I took a few minutes to implement similar features in Squeak. F-Script has a wee bit of syntactic sugar (well, probably not, probably implemented as regular messages, so they're not technically sugar) to automagically issue #collect: messages on collections. That is-
#(1 2 3) * 2 yields #(2 4 6) in F-Script. In Smalltalk, you'd typically do that with #(1 2 3) collect: [ :n | n * 2 ]. Getting behavior ala F-Script in Smalltalk is a pretty trivial (but fun to implement) matter of overriding #doesNotUnderstand:, basically telling Collection to do a "self perform: #collect: with: aBlock" whenever the message isn't found in Collection. aBlock is a block created that reflects what message and args were passed to the collection- in the example above, if the message sent ws #* and the argument 2, compose a one argument block - [ :n | n * 2].
In the cases that there is already a message name that's a part of Collection, F-Script uses Collection's message. To force the use of the APLish #collect: jobbie, you throw in a @. Like so:
#(1 2 3) @ someMessage: 'foo'.
Again, this is very easily implementable in Squeak- you can create a binary message @. I think there is already a method called that in the Squeak system, but it can be renamed, either the feature borrowed from F-Script, or the existing message in the image. I don't think those changes improve productivity enough that they're worth having in Squeak by default, but they're fun all the same, and for a somewhat newbie looking to learn about the way Squeak handles messages and such, it'd be a great lazy Sunday thing to thinker with.
I'm sure this is all in those slides, but I just feel like rambling as I avoid doing my AI homework. :P