Silly Style Guides
started 4/1/2003; 3:02:29 AM - last post 4/1/2003; 4:26:47 AM
Dan Shappir - Silly Style Guides ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
4/1/2003; 3:02:29 AM (reads: 2138, responses: 5)
Silly Style Guides |
While reading a somewhat dated article I came upon the following quote:
... he said that the company's style guide explicitly states that "all C++ objects will be created on the heap"
This got me thinking about the subject of programming style guides, and how silly or mundane they tend to be. I was wondering what, if any, weird style guides the people here have encountered in their careers.
Conversely, have any of you encountered situations where the lack of any coherent style in a company resulted in unmaintainable code?
Posted to general by Dan Shappir on 4/1/03; 3:04:46 AM
Ehud Lamm - Re: Silly Style Guides ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
4/1/2003; 3:10:26 AM (reads: 902, responses: 0)
Conversely, have any of you encountered situations where the lack of any coherent style in a company resulted in unmaintainable code?
Doesn't this happen all the time?
To make this language related, I should note that one man's stye guide is another's language feature (or, rather, language semantic check).
Dan Shappir - Re: Silly Style Guides ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
4/1/2003; 3:41:15 AM (reads: 890, responses: 1)
I think this issue is language related in general because the PL you use determines your style (or at least stylistic possibilities). Identifier naming conventions are probably a universal issue (though they too are influenced by the language’s type system) but others are very specific.
For example, that stupid rule I mentioned would not have come up for Java because there you have no choice.
we have one at work, it is called "hungarian notation", the silliest I have ever seen.
Sorry, I had to.
On a related note, I think having a recommended style as part of the language (both Java and C# have something like this) is a very good idea, it reduces the problems with the endless amount of conflicting styles out there for C++
Dan Shappir - Re: Silly Style Guides ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
4/1/2003; 4:26:47 AM (reads: 933, responses: 0)
Ehud Lamm - Re: Silly Style Guides ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
4/1/2003; 4:28:19 AM (reads: 911, responses: 0)
For example, that stupid rule I mentioned would not have come up for Java because there you have no choice.
Oh, I see: Don't make silly style rules, design silly languages instead