Types and Programming Languages: TNG
started 7/21/2003; 7:58:40 AM - last post 7/21/2003; 11:32:53 PM
Chris Rathman - Types and Programming Languages: TNG 
7/21/2003; 7:58:40 AM (reads: 2018, responses: 4)
Types and Programming Languages: TNG |
Yet another slide presentation of what's happening in the world of Types. This one from Benjamin Pierce. The presentation covers some of the major areas of type theory and application with accompanying TimeLines (which is why I put this in history).
Birds-eye view of what’s happening in the world of types for programming languages (not logic or theorem proving) Using 1993 and 2003 as reference points
It doesn’t always feel like it when you are working in the trenches, but the world of PL research has changed in some major ways in ten years...
While I'm here, wondering if anyone has an opinion on the TAPL book by Pierce - Pro or Con?
Posted to history by Chris Rathman on 7/21/03; 8:03:39 AM

David B. Wildgoose - Re: Types and Programming Languages: TNG 
7/21/2003; 9:27:23 AM (reads: 870, responses: 0)
I bought the "TAPL" book after a recommendation by Ehud on this very site.
It's part of an absolute mound of books I'm slowly working my way through, and what I have read in it is very good.
Consider this comment to be "Pro".

Bryn Keller - Re: Types and Programming Languages: TNG 
7/21/2003; 11:52:35 AM (reads: 831, responses: 1)
I liked TAPL quite a bit. It covers lambda calculus and a number of type systems in good depth. Good writing and presentation. Doesn't assume much in the way of mathematical background.

Matt Hellige - Re: Types and Programming Languages: TNG 
7/21/2003; 2:06:57 PM (reads: 811, responses: 0)
Yes, all in all, a Pro here as well.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Types and Programming Languages: TNG 
7/21/2003; 11:32:53 PM (reads: 698, responses: 0)
This is a great set of slides. Thanks!
