Why don't more people use Prolog?
started 9/3/2003; 11:50:43 AM - last post 9/18/2003; 12:24:21 AM
Patrick Logan - Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/3/2003; 11:50:43 AM (reads: 13383, responses: 21)
Why don't more people use Prolog? |
Mark Watson asks on his blog why more people don't use Prolog.
The ultimate high programmer productivity programming language (for some programming tasks) is Prolog. The link for this article is for a very high quality, free, LGPL licensed Prolog system that works well embedded in C/C++ applications, interactive experimentation, or turnkey pure-Prolog applications: Swi-Prolog.
I started thinking more about Prolog yesterday when I posted to Slashdot (on Japan's new multi-year build a super smart robot project). Japan's 5th generation project was based on Prolog-like languages.
Posted to Logic/Declerative by Patrick Logan on 9/3/03; 11:53:04 AM

Ehud Lamm - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/3/2003; 12:13:54 PM (reads: 1662, responses: 0)
Beacause declerative programming is less flexible (versatile)?

Vesa Karvonen - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/3/2003; 1:10:07 PM (reads: 1645, responses: 1)
I can't say that I would be an experienced logic (or Prolog) programmer, but if I were to argue that a language such as Prolog is flexible, I would point out that it seems to be extremely well suited to writing embedded languages[, program analyzers, interpreters, and compilers] and has good facilities for meta-programming and reflection. To me, this is equivalent to saying that the language is highly flexible.
There are probably many reasons why Prolog, or logic programming, isn't as popular as some might hope. I'd say that one of the top 5 reasons is that the barrier to entry is relatively high. It certainly took me much longer to learn enough logic programming to be able to read and write the simplest of programs in Prolog than in any other programming language I've learned so far. I'm not saying that Prolog would be inherently difficult, but I'm saying that it may require a significant investment of time and effort to be able to program in it. People who are not willing to invest that much time in learning a language will probably not use Prolog.

Dominic Fox - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/3/2003; 1:33:10 PM (reads: 1645, responses: 0)
[Prolog] seems to be extremely well suited to writing embedded languages[, program analyzers, interpreters, and compilers] and has good facilities for meta-programming and reflection.
All of this is news to me - although this is probably no more than a reflection of my general cluelessness about the subject. I'd always assumed that Prolog was for constraint-solving, period, much as a few years ago I assumed that Lisp was for writing Eliza in. Does anyone have any links on the subject of writing embedded languages in Prolog?

Vesa Karvonen - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/3/2003; 1:44:36 PM (reads: 1624, responses: 1)
Does anyone have any links on the subject of writing [embedded] languages in Prolog?
For starters, you might find this interesting.

Marc Hamann - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/3/2003; 2:44:14 PM (reads: 1625, responses: 0)
I'd say that one of the top 5 reasons is that the barrier to entry is relatively high.
Strangely, my experience of Prolog was the opposite: it didn't seem to have very much there. It seemed to be good for toy problems in the NLP domain (my main interest in it), but for non-trivial sets of data, it was tedious to encode everything, the performance wasn't that great, and if you changed your mind about your domain representations it was tedious to change.
It is possible that there was some better way of doing things that I never learned, but even in Computational Linguistics (as NLP has been renamed ;-) ), Prolog use seems to be way down.
From my point of view, the question should be reversed: why does Mark Watson think that more people should be using Prolog? Does the endorsement of a failed, pie-in-the-sky project in the 80s in Japan really carry that much weight? ;-)

Ehud Lamm - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/3/2003; 9:09:59 PM (reads: 1543, responses: 0)
DSLs in Prolog? Check out this course, which has been listed for quite a long while on our courses page.
Prolog meta-interpreters are a cool part of Prolog programming, by the way. I don't think they are directly relevant for this discussion, but hey we are just having fun around here, aren't we?

Vesa Karvonen - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/3/2003; 10:36:53 PM (reads: 1510, responses: 1)
Strangely, my experience of Prolog was the opposite: it didn't seem to have very much there.
Perhaps this might be due to different backgrounds. My original interest in programming was in (soft) real-time graphics. In the past I never was very interested in (relational) databases (they are simply not the first choice when it comes to representing data in real-time graphics applications). Also, backtracking algorithms are generally not very efficient or predictable (bad worst case bounds), so they don't come up in (soft) real-time systems very often (or more likely, you tend to avoid such non-deterministic searches).
It seemed to be good for toy problems [...]
Prolog doesn't seem to be a language that was explicitly designed for large scale programming.
but for non-trivial sets of data, it was tedious to encode everything [...]
Do you mean that designing a representation (structure) for the data was difficult? If so, then I don't find it particularly surprising.
if you changed your mind about your domain representations it was tedious to change.
Was this basically caused by extensive use of pattern matching? If so, then a small immediate relief might be to consistently use selector predicates instead of direct pattern matching. I wonder whether object-oriented logic languages attack such problems.
why does Mark Watson think that more people should be using Prolog?
I think that Prolog, and declarative domain specific rule based languages, have certain inherent advantages / important applications. For example, if you were to implement a type checker, you might want to use a language like Prolog to encode the rules of the type system and have an excellent compiler for the rule based language to ensure that the type checker will be efficient rather than translate the typing rules to a less declarative language by hand.

Luke Gorrie - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/4/2003; 3:40:47 AM (reads: 1434, responses: 0)
Erlang was originally a DSL written in Prolog. See Use of Prolog for developing a new programming language by Armstrong/Virding/Williams for details.
I think that Joe Armstrong still digs out the (20-odd year old) Prolog implementation occasionally to experiment with things.

Frank Atanassow - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/4/2003; 4:49:39 AM (reads: 1408, responses: 2)
Because it's dynamically typed. Use
Mercury instead.

Marc Hamann - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/4/2003; 6:15:23 AM (reads: 1392, responses: 0)
Perhaps this might be due to different backgrounds.
Most likely. I have spent most of my career building database apps. I think that by the time I looked seriously at Prolog I definitely had studied formal logic and I may have already done some functional programming (memory fuzzy here).
Do you mean that designing a representation (structure) for the data was difficult?
Design a good one anyway. ;-) Basically, if you have a fairly mature logical model for your domain and you want to experiment with it, you're ok. Or if you are playing with a small data set and want to experiment with the model your are ok.
Part of the problem is the fine grain of the data. It is as if you had to build a full relational database one piece at a time:
relation(key1, value1)
relation(key1, value2)
relation(key1, value3)
relation(key2, value4)
I think that Prolog, and declarative domain specific rule based languages, have certain inherent advantages / important applications.
Is it's "trick" really that good or unique? In general, I think you could probably replicate its functionality in a more "general-purpose" language that would allow you to fine tune matching, backtracking, etc. to your particular needs, and also take advantage of the other "tricks" available in the language.
For the same problem domain (if I ever find the time to devote to CL again ;-) ) I would probably want to try using Haskell or SML.

Marc Hamann - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/4/2003; 6:16:59 AM (reads: 1392, responses: 0)
Because it's dynamically typed
Dynamically typed = unpopular? Hmmm, that almost sounds like a "cognitive factor" argument. ;-)

James Hague - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/4/2003; 6:58:01 AM (reads: 1352, responses: 0)
I think this has less to do with the language than the available implementations. I periodically take a good look at what's out there, and it's all a bit of a muddle, with lots of extravagant prices and heavy reliance on vendor-specific extensions. There's also a peculiar group of Prologs targeted at web database development. The implementations themselves seem mediocre, without any that just scream quality in the way that Dolphin Smalltalk and Corman Lisp do. SWI is certainly the best free Prolog (with very little competition). I keep meaning to look at Mercury, but get turned off by the lack of a read-eval-print loop.
Also see On the quality of available Prolog implementations.

Ethan Aubin - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/4/2003; 8:05:59 AM (reads: 1326, responses: 0)
Frank Atanassow - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/4/2003; 8:22:55 AM (reads: 1303, responses: 0)
Dynamically typed = unpopular? Hmmm, that almost sounds like a "cognitive factor" argument. ;-)
I was only answering for myself.
Anyway, the question concerns popularity, which is already unavoidably "cognitive".

Dan Shappir - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/4/2003; 8:41:11 AM (reads: 1286, responses: 0)
Anybody remember Borland's Turbo Prolog, that noble attempt to bring Prolog into the mainstream?
Also, Microsoft embeded a small Prolog interpreter in the Windows NT network configuration. See this story.

Paul Snively - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/4/2003; 9:29:16 AM (reads: 1269, responses: 0)
Where does Oz fall in all of this?

Mitchell N Charity - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/4/2003; 10:40:09 AM (reads: 1231, responses: 1)
Why don't more people use Prolog?
To Bagnara's good "Balkan shacks" argument, I'll add only that Prolog
lived in a time of "hilltop kings" language design. ;)
If you wanted to work with language X, you had to do _everything_ in
X. Languages claimed ownership of memory, cpu, signals. No
embedding, and when an implementation deigned to offer a foreign
function interface, it was invariably half-baked and rotten.
The usual "whole program" barrier to entry problem of monolithic
implementations gets worse when the language is unfamiliar, worse
still when the language's implementations are inconsistent and flakey, and perhaps
finally deadly when the language is itself something of a task specialist.

James Hague - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/4/2003; 1:00:51 PM (reads: 1189, responses: 0)
Anybody remember Borland's Turbo Prolog, that noble attempt to bring Prolog into the mainstream?
Turbo Prolog lives on as Visual Prolog.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/5/2003; 4:24:53 AM (reads: 1049, responses: 0)
If you wanted to work with language X, you had to do _everything_ in X.
This is an important point. Prolog's idiosyncracies make it less appropriate for system programming, but extremely useful for specific kinds of tasks.
However, this explanation isn't enough. There are embedded Prolog engines out there, and yet even when people decide to use a rule based engine, or expert system shell, they often decide on something other than Prolog. See the discssion of rule based programming here.
Two more comments. First, for the record, I am a very fond of Prolog. I just odn't think it scales. Mercury is an interesting alternative.
Second, I was surprised to hear people found Prolog difficult at first. It always seemed to me that for the first couple of weeks Prolog is very natural. It becomes hard when you try to solve a problem not in its domain that thing become difficult (e.g., when you want to add a user interface to your rule-based program).
In fact, all the times I tried to teach Prolog I was able to get people to understand the approach, and write working programs in less than two hours. You just have to remember to start by hammering in the closed-world assumption.

Mark Evans - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/17/2003; 9:26:29 PM (reads: 624, responses: 1)
Dominic Fox - Re: Why don't more people use Prolog? 
9/18/2003; 12:24:21 AM (reads: 634, responses: 0)
Elucidation of above comment - from the article:
The criteria for package inclusion remain problematic. In my previous review I complained that Mandrake included some packages that might seem irrelevant or with a low priority, while leaving out some very important (in my opinion) packages. This is, sadly, again the case. You can install languages such as Prolog or SmallTalk, an obscure typesetting system (lout), and such things from the CD; but packages such as the teTeX documentation have been left out of the CD. I wonder which is more important: a prolog environment or the documentation of the teTeX distribution? One is a really obscure (now) language, while the documentation of teTeX is absolutely essential for any LaTeX user. Shipping teTeX without the docs is tantamount of having a LaTeX installation without a local guide.
