Glossary page on Lambda?
started 9/30/2003; 4:02:01 AM - last post 10/5/2003; 9:30:43 AM
Ehud Lamm - Glossary page on Lambda? 
9/30/2003; 4:02:01 AM (reads: 10350, responses: 7)
Glossary page on Lambda? |
I've been thinking about putting up a glossary page as in this example. Let me know what you think.
It would be good to add short definitions, but this can be done later on.
Post your comments to this thread, and not to the glossary page itself, seeing as it may well end up a permanent fixture like the quotations and research papers pages linked from the navigational menu on the right.
Posted to admin by Ehud Lamm on 9/30/03; 4:02:58 AM

Chris Rathman - Re: Glossary page on Lambda? 
9/30/2003; 7:08:30 AM (reads: 514, responses: 1)
Just for my own clarification, I'd like to see all the morphism terms defined, since they seem to be so popular when discussing programming languages. Unless you work with the terms, it's hard to remember the distinctions between:
- isomorphism
- polymorphism
- homomorphism
- cohomomorphism
- apomorphism
- hylomorphism
- paramorphism
- catamorphism
- anamorphism

Ehud Lamm - Re: Glossary page on Lambda? 
9/30/2003; 7:22:35 AM (reads: 527, responses: 0)
The ones with the esoteric names are defined in the bananas paper (see the papers page).

water - Re: Glossary page on Lambda? 
9/30/2003; 9:32:46 AM (reads: 492, responses: 0)
Funny you should mention morphisms. I asked Frank for a definition for the glossary page the TUNES project manages. His long response via email took too much consideration for me to process. Incidentally, you may want to re-use or edit definitions at our page; you're certainly welcome to.

Some One - Re: Glossary page on Lambda? 
9/30/2003; 11:01:02 AM (reads: 478, responses: 0)
Great idea to have a glossary page. Finally people may start getting a clue about what is being said here ;)

Manuel Simoni - Re: Glossary page on Lambda? 
10/1/2003; 4:51:07 AM (reads: 364, responses: 0)
I think a Wiki page would be best suited for that. We could create a WikiWikiWeb page, or maybe with Frank's permission we could do it here?

water - Re: Glossary page on Lambda? 
10/1/2003; 9:38:45 AM (reads: 331, responses: 0)
Frank Atanassow - Re: Glossary page on Lambda? 
10/5/2003; 9:30:43 AM (reads: 230, responses: 0)
I asked Frank for a definition for the glossary page the TUNES project manages. His long response via email took too much consideration for me to process.
Ack, what a downer.
As I recall, I said that focusing on the X-morphism stuff is not as important as focusing on the general categorical concepts.
But, how's this for some snappy definitions?:
catamorphism: The unique homomorphism from an initial algebra.
anamorphism: The unique cohomomorphism to a final algebra.
I think a Wiki page would be best suited for that. We could create a WikiWikiWeb page, or maybe with Frank's permission we could do it
You don't need my permission for that. However, no one ever contributed to that page, so I don't maintain it anymore.
This one is up-to-date.
