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Virtual Machine booksFor a while, I've been awaiting a scholarly book on the topic of virtual machines. Bill Blunden's book ain't it; and the other books (until recently) which were relevant were all practical works on particular VMs, usually that of Java or the MS CLR. Now, it appears that two textbooks on the topic are in print: One is Iain Craig's Virtual Machines (ISBN:1852339691) published by Springer; the other is Virtual Machines: Versatile Platforms for Systems and Processes by Smith and Nair, (ISBN:1558609105), published by Morgan Kaufmann. Judging strictly from the summaries at Powell's website; the former appears to be a slightly more academic treatment of the topic; the latter looks a bit more practical-oriented. (I'm interested in both). The latter also seems highly concerned with topics like CPU emulation and OS-level virtual machines (like VMware), as opposed to VMs as a programming model/programming language runtime (like JVM or CLR). A summary is here. Has anyone read either book (someone mentioned the first one in another thread), and have any recommendations, pro or con? The second book is on the shelf at Powells, so I might go check it out. The first book is on backorder. Thanks! By Scott Johnson at 2005-10-06 23:33 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 14706 reads
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