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Macros/Syntax vs. AST manipulationThe Lisp family has macros that allow you to generate new code by manipulating programs; S-expressions are used as the representation. For many uses, this is what makes it hard to work with. Manipulating program language in such a low-level form is difficult. Looking at Stratego/XT, the authors clearly indicate that performing program manipulation with ATERMS (Stratego's underlying, low-level term representation, analogous to s expression data) is quite difficult and undesirable. Stratego has mechanisms to deal with program manipulation in a more natural way. My read of Stratego shows that they authors allow the direct use of program fragments in the language being manipulated as a short form for underlying aterms. What this boils down to is this: What is the best representation of a program to use, when the program must be manipulated/transformed? Are different representations appropriate for runtime manipulation (a program manipulating itself) vs. build-time manipulation? Lisp chooses S-Expressions. Java programs can be transformed at compilation or runtime by bytecode manipulation -- aspect-oriented programming can be used to solve problems similar to those macros are generally applied to. C++ performs build-time transformation via its template mechanisms. Scala provides flexible, extensible syntax that relies on efficient compilation to deliver transformation-like behavior. Boo (a .NET language) provides, as a part of its standard library/compiler the ability to modify the AST of the program; there is no inconvenient "detour" through syntax. This leads me to these thoughts: 1. To the extent is can, the type system of a language should provide as much transformational power (templates/type parameters) as it can. The transformational power of a type system, it seems to me, is just as important as type-safety/correctness. Modern VMs perform just-in-time compilation; selective optimized compilation of programs is performed. When new code is dynamically generated, that code is folded into the same JIT framework as "normal" code. When existing code is modified, a VM will "de-optimize", then allow further optimization to occur when needed. If a program's type system is modified, is it possible to perform similar work? In general, it seems that a comprehensive model for the evolution of a program's full AST+Data (types/logic/data) is needed. Lisp does this without checks and balances. Is a given transformation of a program acceptable? Perhaps there is a kind of bitemporal typed lambda system out there somewhere; something that understands what the type system used to be, what we think it is now, and allows both to be combined together in computation. :) By rossjudson at 2005-10-10 17:04 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 21521 reads
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