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Geometric AlgebraShamelessly abusing LtU, I want to point out Geometric Algebra (for those who haven't come across it and would find it interesting.) Some BS rationalizations for why this is appropriate for LtU are: GA is applied to aspects such as computer graphics and computer vision also there's this quote on Leo Dorst's page (which is moving to here): "It is going to be the way computer science deals with geometrical issues." More PLT specific is the design and implementation of libraries, DSLs, and/or software for GA; implementations greatly benefit from compile-time (or even runtime) specialization. For example, Jaap Suter's C++ Clifford library uses template metaprogramming to this end. However, the real reason I'm posting this is that there are quite a few intelligent people here; I know that at least some are interested in things beyond computer science, and I genuinely think they'd benefit from and value geometric algebra. Leo Dorst's page is more directed toward computer scientists while David Hestene's page (the first link) is more physics biased. By Derek Elkins at 2005-11-02 19:21 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 13782 reads
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