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CPS without GC?I am steadily growing frustrated with the programming languages and more importantly their implementations that I use both at work and at home. I won't bore you with why. So I thought I'd have a go at creating a language and RTL that I would like to use. Personally, I happen to think OO is greatly overrated and prefer a functional/procedural approach and would probably prefer to use CPS for the implementation but would rather shy away from the complexities of garbage collection. But as far as I can tell it seems impossible to implement continuation passing style (and closures, of course) without garbage collection. Correct? (I can tell as I write this that anyone responding is just going to say 'GC has decades of research behind it and these days can be extremely efficient while remaining relatively simple. What's the problem?' so rather than explain why I don't want GC perhaps my question can be taken as a hypothetical inquiry. :)) By Toby Hutton at 2005-12-11 21:44 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 8804 reads
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