Pi-calculus and mobile system books

Am looking at books on process calculii, and am wondering what is thought of the following:

* Milner's Communicating and Mobile Systems: The Pi-Calculus
* Sangiorgi and Walker's The Pi-Calculus: A Theory of Mobile Processes
* Fokkink's Introduction to Process Algebra

All three are at Powell's; unfortunately, all three are currently only stocked in their warehouse in town. I prefer not to ask them to transfer a book to their retail outlets, unless there's a good chance I might purchase it--so any recommendations on which one(s) I should investigate first?

I already have Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes, so no need to recommend that (though I recommend it to others who are interested).

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In my experience

Robin Milner's book is interesting for theoreticians, but probably much less so for language designers, as it is usually quite abstract.

Davide Sangiorgi's book is a good reference but is *very* hard to read.

I haven't opened Fokkink.

BRICS - Algebraic Process Calculi - The First Twenty Five Years

Didn't read any of the books - but whoever wants to have a quick look at various aspects of process calculi should read


which contains various articles about CSP, CCS etc.