I'd like to point out a different take on Djinn:
The first defines the Hindley-Milner typechecking relation for a
language with polymorphic let, sums and products. We use the Scheme
notation for the source language (as explained at the beginning of the
first file); ML or Haskell-like notations are straightforward. The
notation for type terms is infix, with the right-associative arrow.
The typechecking relation relates a term and its type: given a term we
obtain its type. The relation is pure and so it can work in reverse: given a type, we can obtain terms that have this type. Or, we can give a term with blanks and a type with blanks, and ask the relation to fill in the blanks.
As an example, the end of the file type-inference.scm shows the derivation for the terms call/cc, shift and reset from their types in the continuation monad. Given the type
(((a -> . ,(cont 'b 'r)) -> . ,(cont 'b 'b)) -> . ,(cont 'a 'b))
we get the expression for shift:
(lambda (_.0) (lambda (_.1)
((_.0 (lambda (_.2) (lambda (_.3) (_.3 (_.1 _.2)))))
(lambda (_.4) _.4))))
It took only 2 milli-seconds.
More interesting is using the typechecker for proving theorems in
intuitionistic logic: see logic.scm. We formulate the proposition in types, for example:
(,(neg '(a * b)) -> . ,(neg (neg `(,(neg 'a) + ,(neg 'b)))))
This is one direction of the deMorgan law. In intuitionistic logic,
deMorgan law is more involved:
The system gives us the corresponding term, the proof:
(lambda (_.0)
(lambda (_.1)
(_.1 (inl (lambda (_.2)
(_.1 (inr (lambda (_.3) (_.0 (cons _.2 _.3))))))))))
The de-typechecker can also prove theorems in classical logic,
via double-negation (aka CPS) translation. The second part of
logic.scm demonstrates that. We can formulate a proposition:
(neg (neg `(,(neg 'a) + ,(neg (neg 'a)))))
and get a (non-trivial) term
(lambda (_.0) (_.0 (inr (lambda (_.1) (_.0 (inl _.1))))))
It took only 403 ms. The proposition is the statement of the Law of
Excluded Middle, in the double-negative translation.
So, programming languages can help in the study of logic.
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