Building Interpreters by Composing Monads
We exhibit a set of functions coded in
Haskell that can be used as building blocks to construct
a variety of interpreters for Lisp-like languages. The
building blocks are joined merely through functional
composition. Each building block contributes code to
support a specific feature, such as numbers, continuations,
functions calls, or nondeterminism. The result of
composing some number of building blocks is a parser,
an interpreter, and a printer that support exactly the
expression forms and data types needed for the combined
set of features, and no more.
The data structures are organized as pseudomonads,
a generalization of monads that allows composition.
Functional composition of the building blocks implies
type composition of the relevant pseudomonads.
So actually it is about building interpreters by composing pseudomonads.
PS: I stumbled upon this paper while trying to factor an interpreter into a set of features (and yes, I tried to package them as monads).
After a day of fighting with undecidable instances and rigid type variables I gave up and started googling - well, I was trying to invent a wheel.
Any comments on how pseudomonads relate to arrows (and other generalizations of monads) are appreciated.
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