JavaScript 2 and the Future of the Web

Brendan Eich, JavaScript 2 and the Future of the Web, XTech 2006


  • Fix problems in JS1 that bug people daily
  • A type system to enforce invariants
  • Programming in the large
  • Support bootstrapping and metaprogramming

Brendan Eich presented these slides recently at a conference on the future of web technology.

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I think the link was posted

I think the link was posted to the forum previously.

But this item makes a great inaugural post for our new Javascript department!


Just to keep things linked, the previous mention was here.

Next JS

Nice to see of lot of features inspired by OCaml in the next JS.

JS is maybe today one of most "political language" since it has implementations by big companies competiting on the browser market : Mozilla, Microsoft and Adobe/Macromedia.

I wonder if an highlevel JS2 will be successful. First it needs to be available on all browsers, or else people will stick to JS1 generators such as Google Web Toolkit or haXe.

The feature I will like the best... mentioned near the end - slices - makes string manipulation a little easier (though it's easy enough to abuse).

Tail calls

I'd really like to see safe tail calls...

just Brilliant!

..a slide show on Web 2.0 where the Back button doesn't work.

Par for the course

Client-side browser stuff tends to break the Back button big-time. I think it's safe to take that as a defining characteristic of Web 2.0, brought to you by the unintended consequences department.


Lots of web 2.0 applications take the time to fix the back button problem, Gmail as an example, and articles are written about this example, so I suppose that a Web 2.0 application that takes the time to fix back button problems is an example of following accepted good web 2.0 development practice. I have as yet, Gmail inclusive, to see a Web 2.0 app that gave any consideration to fixing forward button problems.