I'm working out some rules for a data flow network and certain conditions apply in certain situations, but I am not sure what the accepted terminology is for these. So, if you will, what are the names for these:
- numOut == numIn
- A node (in a data flow graph) always provides exactly one output token for one input token. I've been calling this "systolic", but "systolic" really means "clocked" which this isn't necessarily.
- numOut != numIn
- A node may provide more or less than one output for one input. I've been calling this "asystolic", but that is even worse since I can't find much use of that term in the literature and in medicine it means "absence or cessation of heartbeat" or "any deviation from a healthy or normal condition" neither of which are desirable descriptions of the situation.
- numOut <= numIn
- A node provides an equal or fewer number of output tokens as input tokens, e.g. the "filter" operation from FP.
- numOut >= numIn
- A node provides at least as many output tokens as input tokens, possibly more.
Thank you!
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