Ruby .NET compiler released

Queensland University of Technology Programming Languages and Systems Research Group, which was behind Component Pascal and Modula compilers for CLR and JVM, has released a Ruby compiler for CLR and JVM. The compiler reportedly passes all 800+ tests in the Ruby 1.8.2 test.rb test suite.

On their web site the group stresses that this is a compiler, not a Ruby/.NET bridge, although further reading indicates there's a runtime library that mirrors the structure of the Ruby interpreter. The group is apparently looking for Ruby and/or .NET users to do testing and development; the full source is available under a liberal license.

The group's web site contains some comments about the implementation approach and some loot for programming language implementors: a YACC-compatible parser generator for C#, and a library for manipulating PE files.

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Hear John Gough talk about Ruby .NET

John Gough is one of the invited speakers at Lang .NET, so that is a great chance to learn more about Ruby .NET from one of it's implementor.