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Constant Values as TypesThis is probably one of those naive I should first finish the Pierce book kind of questions, but here goes anyway: Are there languages where a constant value, such as 42, can act is its own type? So putting this in real-world terms, in the Cat language I can write the following function with a type annotation: define the_answer : ()->(int) { 42 } However, it seems that I am being too general by saying it returns an int in the type annotation because it always returns 42 (edit: which we could say is a subtype of int). So ... shouldn't the type annotation be: define the_answer : ()->(42) { 42 } So the more general question is: what is good / bad about this? By cdiggins at 2006-09-02 23:59 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 6331 reads
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