Possibly the world's shortest APL interpreter

EMPL: Small APL for the Intel 8080

It fits in 5808 bytes. ... Today, you can use a C 8080 simulator to run the EMPL code after first converting it from hex to binary

I guess we should look forward to the completion of Python for Toddlers :-)

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I like stuff like this

Makes me want to see a list of other tiny high-level language implementations. Forth-like languages don't count, because you can always make 'em smaller at the expense of more work for the user (a Forth in under 1K of object code is easy). But real implementations of tiny Lisps, tiny Pascals, tiny Prologs...bring 'em on :)


The earliest sources of XLisp are still on Google's Usenet archives of net.sources, posted January 7, 1983. (Part 1 is missing, I guess?)

There's also Scheme sources in MacLisp, from the original whitepaper.

MacLisp arcana

If you want old MacLisp sources you can find them on the filesystems of the ITS machines from MIT.

self references

Here's a toy Lisp that compiles itself to C and was never meant to be used for much else (though it can interpret itself too, hooray). It's about 10 pages of unobfuscated code. There's also a smaller rewrite that I haven't got around to packaging up nicely and uploading.

The Steele & Sussman Scheme in MacLisp mentioned above, ported to Common Lisp from their paper.