Meta-Compilation of Language Abstractions, a dissertation by Pinku Surana.
High-level programming languages are currently transformed into efficient low-level code using optimizations that are encoded directly into the compiler. Libraries, which are semantically rich user-level abstractions, are largely ignored by the compiler. Consequently, library writers often provide a complex, low-level interface to which programmers "manually compile" their high-level ideas. If library writers provide a high-level interface, it generally comes at the cost of performance. Ideally, library writers should provide a high-level interface and a means to compile it efficiently.
This dissertation demonstrates that a compiler can be dynamically extended to support user-level abstractions. The Sausage meta-compilation system is an extensible source-to-source compiler for a subset of the Scheme programming language. Since the source language lacks nearly all the abstractions found in popular languages, new abstractions are implemented by a library and a compiler extension. In fact, Sausage implements all its general-purpose optimizations for functional languages as compiler extensions. A meta-compiler, therefore, is merely a shell that coordinates the execution of many external extensions to compile a single module. Sausage demonstrates that a compiler designed to be extended can evolve and adapt to new domains without a loss of efficiency.
A very interesting and detailed paper, which touches on many perennial LtU subjects, and once again shifts the line between user programs and the compiler. If you're tempted to say "this sounds like X...", then read Chapter 2, which gives a comprehensive comparison to alternative approaches, including static type inference, traditional macro systems, templates, partial evaluation, and multi-stage languages such as MetaML and MetaOCaml.
Some carefully selected quotes which I think summarize the summary quite well:
The Sausage system provides a framework for programmers to write new domain-specific optimizations and inject them into the main compiler.
This dissertation takes the rather extreme view that anything beyond Core Scheme is a compiler extension.
Pinku Surana will be presenting this work at a meeting of LispNYC on Feb 13th in New York City. An announcement with details of the meeting can be found here.
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