Gradual Typing for Objects. Jeremy Siek and Walid Taha.
Static and dynamic type systems have well-known strengths and weaknesses. In previous work we developed a gradual type system for a functional calculus named [...]. Gradual typing provides the benefits of both static and dynamic checking in a single language by allowing the programmer to control whether a portion of the program is type checked at compile-time or run-time by adding or removing type annotations on variables. Several object-oriented scripting languages are preparing to add static checking. To support that work this paper develops [another calculus], a gradual type system for object-based languages, extending the [...] calculus of Abadi and Cardelli. Our primary contribution is to show that gradual typing and subtyping are orthogonal and can be combined in a principled fashion. We also develop a small-step semantics, provide a machine-checked proof of type safety, and improve the space efficiency of higher-order casts.
The authors' previous work on gradual typing was discussed here. This brings it to an object-oriented setting which is (as the abstract points out) very directly applicable to mainstream scripting languages, at least in principle.
[Edit: This is from the types list, where the authors also added: "We will present the paper at ECOOP 2007 and would be especially interested in any feedback on the paper before the final submission is due on April 25."]
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