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Verifying Semantic Type Soundness of a Simple CompilerHaving been entirely too dismissive of one of Nick Benton's papers before, it seems only fitting that I should attempt expiation for my sins by discussing Formalizing and Verifying Semantic Type Soundness of a Simple Compiler:
I found this work striking for its strong defense of the utility of semantic, vs. syntactic, type soundness, and for its use of logical relations vs. unary predicates. I could swear that I recently read another paper making quite similar observations about semantic vs. syntactic type soundness. I'm not sure which paper it was, but regardless, there seems to me to be a great deal of overlap of insight and, to a lesser extent, approach, with A Certified Type-Preserving Compiler from Lambda Calculus to Assembly Language, and of course by extension to Leroy's work on formalizing big-step operational semantics, allocation, etc. Finally we have the very exciting news about progress on a mechanized metatheory for Standard ML, in Twelf. It's a very exciting time for mechanized metatheory! I'd love to get at least Nick Benton, Adam Chlipala, Xavier Leroy, and Tim Sweeney in a room for a few months so they could create the Next Mainstream Programming Language in Coq. Of course, we have Dr. Benton, Mr. Chlipala, and Mr. Sweeney right here on LtU... :-) Update: Mea culpa; the paper I had in mind was A Very Modal Model of a Modern, Major, General Type System. It would seem that Dr. Benton, Mr. Chlipala, and Dr. Appel and colleagues have arrived at quite similar perspectives on good approaches to mechanizing metatheory for very interesting programming language design efforts. By Paul Snively at 2007-04-04 04:45 | Implementation | Lambda Calculus | Type Theory | other blogs | 30066 reads
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