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Higher order versus Object orderWithout wishing to cause a flame war, ..., well actually I do wish to start a discussion ...:) For the last 25 years I have been working on programming languages roughly in the logic programming/functional programming paradigms. About 10 years ago I embarked on a research trajectory involving moving from Prolog's 'meta-order' approach to a higher-order approach. The reasons were technical: meta-order sucks from a software engineering POV. However, recently, I have changed my mind. Or rather, changed direction. While robust, HO does not deal with OO programming all that well. (Start flame wars here) The reason is that OO involves combinations that are difficult for HO styles of programming. On the other hand, OO does nearly everything that HO can do. I would argue, that at a slight loss of elegance, OO does *everything* that a good software engineer wants to do. My reasoning is based on the fact that an object can act as a kind of closure but a closure cannot capture the multiple uses of an object - together with the interface contract. BTW, as far as I am concerned, OO is *not* equivalent to inheritance+subtypes+methods+classes+instances. Those are techniques useful in some situations. For me, OO is fundamentally about encapsulation and interfaces. The rest is noise (in my opinion of course) So, in my most recent work, I am throwing out my HO implementations and replacing them with an Object Order implementation.... Comments? By Francis McCabe at 2004-09-01 05:16 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 12658 reads
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